6 Apr 2014

Time off for bad behaviour

We've broken up for Easter, having brought our Nasty Naughty Boy to a marvelous climax in the last class of term.

Please, no tittering now in the cheap seats - you know full well that we specialise in tease and temptation, suggestion and speculation, and that we never do anything even slightly grubby. Nasty Naughty Boy is a favourite routine of ours, nothing more. Shame on you for thinking anything else!

Anyway, where were we? Ah yes, last Wednesday's class. It had the lot: shoulders shimmied; fingers beckoned; hips lifted; boas twirled; and the glove spank topped off the whole confection beautifully.

Now we Burlicious three take time out to relax, refresh and to sprinkle a little Burlicious fairy dust over the new routine that we're currently coaxing into bloom. A showgirl's work is never done!

Yours, slaves to our passion,

Burlicious x

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