23 Apr 2020

The Devil makes work....

For obvious reasons, the lockdown is keeping us from being in the same physical space together. We know that there are cunning options like Zoom for online classes, but we so far have not worked out how we would manage that with three instructors for one class, spread over three locations. And, it must be said, a big part of what we do is the camaraderie, the intimacy and the daftness that is created when we are all together, skipping about in our drawers, in our little hall. We're not sure that that would translate to an online experience... but we might be wrong.

We are thinking about how to manage long-distance choreography in the interim. We have some ideas, but we also have the delicious spanner in the works that is the Voluptuous Jules. She only has to be near a piece of technology for it to swoon and die. We might try doing something with her disguised in a full Hazmat suit.

However, on the upside, we are doing a bit of musical housework for when we return. So, my lovelies, if you can think of tracks that would be good for our warm up sashaying, let us know. Of course, if you can think of tracks that might work for the routine after next, we would also be delighted to hear about them.

It is, it must be said, harder than it looks. We've danced to an eclectic collection of tunes over the years including Lady Marmalade, Pink Pussycat, I Put a Spell on You, Glory Box, Black Velvet and our reliable crowd pleaser, Nasty Naughty Boy. The best ones are slower than you imagine, and they develop and go somewhere as the track progresses. They also have different sections so it's not the same thing all the way through. And we LOVE the ones that are powerful/sassy/smoky cafe and rather blowsy in flavour with some strong and definite beats.

Over to you, Showgirls! Rifle through those playlists and let us know what you come up with.

Yours, diamante headphones at the ready,

Burlicious x

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