15 Mar 2014

All work and no play...

... makes a showgirl positively frowny and frumpy - which is why we're off tonight in a shimmering showgirl posse for an evening of being entertained by a star-studded cast of burlesque performers.

Dressed to the nines, or possibly the tens, we'll sashay along with some of our lovely troupe for a night of nattering, tippling and clapping enthusiastically. It's a rare treat to be the audience for a change!

And next week, my lovelies, we will start our next routine in class. We're returning to an old flame of ours - still guaranteed to raise the temperature whenever we dance it in public. Soon, soon, we shall have a brand new little number to show you. However, choreography has recently had to take a back seat to preparing for shows and other dull demands.

Hold on to your suspenders - we promise you that it'll be worth the wait!

Yours, getting ready to frock up,

Burlicious x

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